
Thanks to the City Pulse for publishing my hearth poem in their yearly “Light in Darkness” issue.

Thanks to feminist journal They Call Us for publishing my charcoal sketch of Frances Perkins, Labor Secretary under FDR and founder of the New Deal.

My review of Chana Kraus-Friedberg’s prize-winning poetry chapbook, Grammars of Hope, appears in The Poetry CafĂ©.

Words Across the Water, an anthology of poetry by the Poets Club of Chicago and the Lansing Poetry Club, will be published in summer 2021. It features my poems and artwork, including the cover art.

Kids with sunshades.
Michigan dunes.

Literary journal After the Pause will feature my watercolor, “The Ceremony of Innocence,” in its fall 2021 issue.

Based on photo on Shoebill Stork.